Google Ads: Recommendations

Google ads recommendations. What are they and should you use them? Read on.

Ah, Google Ads and its automatic suggestions – it’s like having a well-meaning but slightly clueless friend trying to set you up on a blind date. Sure, they mean well, but their matchmaking skills might leave you scratching your head.
Why, you ask?

More on Google ads recommendations:

💸 Cash Splash: Ever felt like your ad budget was used as confetti at a party you weren’t even invited to? Blindly following these suggestions might just do that. You could end up showcasing your stellar products to an audience whose eyes glaze over.

👬 Mismatched Pairing: Google’s algorithms are like overenthusiastic cupids, shooting arrows left and right. They might suggest targeting people who like something vaguely related to your product, but it doesn’t guarantee a connection.

So, if you’re braving the unpredictable world of Google Ads solo, here’s your survival guide:

🎯 Define Your Goals: Think of your campaign goals as your treasure map. So, know what you’re looking for, and when those automatic suggestions come knocking, make sure they’re on the right path!

👩‍💻 Know Your Audience : Think of your audience as characters in a mystery novel. Study them, understand their quirks, and decode their interests. Armed with this knowledge, you can evaluate those automatic suggestions like a pro.

🔍 Results Detective: Sherlock your way through your campaign results. Some suggestions might be your Watsons, faithfully supporting your cause. Others? Well, they might be your Moriartys. Keep an eye on them and make sure your campaign stays on the right side.

Remember, a bit of skepticism and wit can turn those automatic suggestions from questionable advice to brilliant insights. Cheers to savvy advertising and campaigns that get results!

And if you want to ensure you’re spending every ad dollar wisely, ignore the Google ads recommendations and reach out to DemandWeb. We can help!

Learn more about DemandWeb

DemandWeb: Data-Driven Marketing Agency Helps Businesses Drive Demand

…passionate about helping clients achieve marketing goals and grow businesses…

DemandWeb is a marketing agency that specializes in data-driven marketing, measurement, and demand generation. We help businesses create, drive, and capture demand through advertising, consulting, analytics, and digital marketing services.


In today’s competitive marketplace, businesses need to be more data-driven than ever before. This is especially true when it comes to marketing. By understanding your target audience and tracking your results, you can make more informed decisions about where to allocate your marketing budget and how to improve your campaigns.

DemandWeb is a marketing agency that specializes in data-driven marketing. We help businesses create, drive, and capture demand through advertising, consulting, analytics, and digital marketing services. We’re passionate about helping our clients achieve their marketing goals and grow their businesses.

Benefits of working with DemandWeb Marketing:

  • Data-driven approach: We use data to inform all of our marketing decisions. This means that you can be confident that your campaigns are targeted and effective.
  • Clear ROI: We track the results of all of our campaigns so that you can see exactly what’s working and what’s not. This helps us to optimize your campaigns and ensure that you’re getting the most out of your marketing investment.
  • Comprehensive services: We offer a wide range of marketing services, so you can get everything you need in one place. We can help you with everything from developing your marketing strategy to creating and executing your campaigns.

DemandWeb Marketing Agency is:

Consultants Linzy Berger and Paul Warner are experienced marketers who have helped numerous B2B and B2C companies in a variety of industries. To learn more, visit DemandWeb.

To Conclude

If you’re looking for a marketing agency that can help you achieve your marketing goals and grow your business, then DemandWeb is the right choice for you. We offer a data-driven approach, clear ROI, and comprehensive services. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you succeed.

Visit DemandWeb

Visit the website and schedule a free consultation to learn more about how DemandWeb can help you drive demand for your business.

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The Quick Guide to Social and Search Advertising Character Space

Social and Search Advertising Character Space

While social and search advertising on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Google AdWords can be effective if done right, sometimes the planning around what you can fit into your ads gets a little tricky. Between what the client wants (or you) and traditional creative, there are going to be compromises. But keep in mind that the character space is low because the platforms have found that this amount of text is most effective (and fits best into varying space constraints). So don’t think of the platforms as limiting you, so much as helping you to be much more concise in creating your CTAs (calls to action).

Remember that many of your ads may show up in different placements if you choose those options, so while the maximum amounts are listed, you may want to shorten even more so text doesn’t get cut off before a viewer even knows what your ad is about. Be sure to get right to the point.

With that in mind let’s take a look at the different platforms and now that you know the character spaces you are working with, can plan your ad campaigns a little more easily!


social advertising
LinkedIn Ad

Intro: 150

Headline: 70 (Below the photo. Not shown in this example)

Description: 100 (Not typically displayed)


social advertising

Intro: Ideal post is around 90 characters. Can go longer, but not recommended if using other placements.

Headline: 40 (but will cut off at 25 in some placements) Below photo. Not shown here.

Description: No more than a sentence, or two, max. Won’t appear in all placements.


search advertising
Twitter Ad

Intro: 116

Headline: 70


search advertising
AdWords: Text Ad

Text Ad

Headline 1: 30

Headline 2: 30

Description: 80

Extensions: 25-35


search advertising
AdWords: Responsive Ad

Responsive Ad

Short Headline: 25

Long Headline: 90

Description: 90


search advertising
AdWords: Dynamic Ad

Dynamic Ad

Headline (Dynamically Generated)

Description: 80

If you want to also use Bing Ads, you can simply import your AdWords Ads into the platform.

You’ll also want to read: Outstanding Free Marketing Tools You Need to Know About

Traditional Marketing and Advertising Doesn’t Work Anymore

The only pro traditional marketing articles proclaiming “No, really, print still works!” are penned by those selling it. This should be a red flag by itself, however, the fact that nobody can really measure it should be another reason to swear off of traditional media entirely.

Anyone who tries to tell you its working is selling you something. Be wary.

This article explains it well – read on:

4 Reasons Traditional Marketing and Advertising Doesn’t Work Anymore

Before you traditional media types email me with your tirades of “How traditional marketing isn’t dead”, and that “You have no idea what you’re talking about”, I should note that most of my background is in traditional marketing and media on the agency side. I’ve spent hours on end writing TV and radio scripts, mulling through Nielsen reports, calculating gross rating points, frequency, and an endless list of data points that attempted to provide the most value possible for my clients. Many of these clients invested quite a bit of their own money for me to provide these services for them, with little guarantee of return on investment. I sold these media with the promise that they would reach the most amount of people and eyeballs for each dollar spent. Looking back (hindsight is always 20/20 right?), my thought process was very flawed.

Sure, you could tag (insert traditional ad medium) with a promo code as a feeble attempt to track return, but at the end of it all with the media market as fragmented as it is, it becomes very difficult to firmly close the loop and determine what actually worked. The key performance indicator (KPI) generally becomes “Did I sell more?” or “Did I see a jump in phone calls?” With how complex market forces are, it’s almost impossible to track a jump in sales to traditional media spend without making some very broad assumptions, and who likes to make business decisions based on assumptions? Exactly.

It should be understood at this point that I’m a huge proponent of digital marketing, more specifically, inbound marketing. The 4 Reasons Traditional Advertising Doesn’t Work Anymore that are below will help explain why.

Read the rest of the post HERE. The author [Brad Larabell] covers four main points:

1. The consumer buying process has changed (A LOT!)
2. Traditional Media Is Interruptive in Nature
3. It Doesn’t Work on Millennial Buyers
4. Lack of Trackability of ROI


Marketing analytics: You need Neil Patel on your team

Marketing Analytics… and marketing in general

Here’s another recommendation for marketing analytics advice, and digital marketing in general.

Keep in mind that Neil Patel is an aggressive and effective marketer. He knows his way around analytics and digital marketing. You’ll notice a very different marketing approach from Avinash Kaushik when you visit his site. Whereas Mr. Kaushik takes a softer approach, Mr. Patel doesn’t hesitate to start marketing to you immediately. This is not a horrible thing, but you will get marketed to when you visit his site.

Get acquainted with Mr. Patel with a couple of helpful and informative blog posts:

How to Navigate Google Analytics Like a Pro (Way Beyond the Basics)

How to Get Actionable Data from Google Analytics in 10 Minutes

Don’t Lose Money: 5 Analytics Tools to Help You Fix Your Leaky Sales Funnel

Enjoy, and here’s to marketing with better metrics!